Saturday, January 12, 2008

Party Animals

The exhibition, Canis Major: Warhol’s Dogs and Cats (and other party animals), is on view at The Andy Warhol Museum from January 12 – May 4, 2008. Inspired by Warhol’s own love of animals, the exhibition will feature photographs, paintings, screen prints, and drawings of the beloved pets (and other animals) in Warhol’s life.

Warhol once wrote, “I never met a pet I didn’t like.” Indeed, the artist had many pets throughout his life, including his childhood dog Lucy, over a dozen Siamese cats, and his dachshunds Amos and Archie. His studio, the Silver Factory, had two resident cats, Black Lace and White Pussy, and he was fond of his friend Brigid’s Berlin’s pugs, Fame and Fortune.